Creative Inconsistency

This was a blog I wanted to start for my daily observations...I'm trying but I need to get into the swing of things.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008



My friend Elly has lost her dog, Olive was lost near Cat Rock Park in Weston (between Drabbington Way and Lexington) , but may try head home to Watertown.

Friday, June 27, 2008

My portfolio

Hey...finally I have a website for my portfolio, I don't think anyone really comes here other than my boyfriend but worth it anyway to try and get people to see it. I welcome comments.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Love Child?

For quite a long time people have told me I look like either Chris Martin or Thom Yorke. I decided I would do a side by side comparison.

Personally I can see the Chris Martin resemblence but not the Thom Yorke...Am I the love child of these two or merely the long lost sibling of Chris Martin?

What do you think?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Personal. Yes a period.

I can't get over how much I am willing to give for this one person and it makes me happy to feel this way. Finally I have found that man that makes me comfortable and excited at the same time. I can not wait for our lives to mesh into one and become that powerful unit i've been waiting for and i'm sure he has been waiting for.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lip Infusion...

Sounds cool right? They've got the new shiny packaging, a promise for healthier, moist lips with NO waxy feel, oh and an SPF of 15 (we're all about preventing sun damage as you know)

My god it's the dream product...or Satan incarnate. Here is my problem. I've had a little cold this week and my lips have been ridiculously dry. While I know I own about 4 things of chapstick I can't seem to find them, maybe the cat ate them while on a catnip bender.


In a cold medicine induced daze I go to my local Target, i notice a new package that's well designed and "fresh"...oooh lip "infusion" just the word makes me think it has to relieve my dry chapped kissers. Fast forward to my car...with the new silver ball roller I find myself applying
INFUSION (it really needs a sound effect don't ya think?) It's sleek, feels like it's working, has a relatively pleasant scent and taste...

Close up: Looking in my rear view mirror, I see my lips, in all their glory shining back at me like a cheap whore. Now it makes all the sense in the world why the large disheveled man who rung up my order was looking at my eerily.

Point being, it does work very well so in the privacy of my own home behind locked door I shall bask in the glossy whore non-waxy SPF powered moisturizing till my heart's content Blistex Lip INFUSION.

Ooh's sexy time.

Monday, April 14, 2008

One more Old Greg

The old greg ending...

Old Greg.

I have no idea why but my boyfriend Donny sent this to's creepy but I find it hilarious.


Did you ever want to make and share a mixed- tape but can't find a cassette player to save your life? Here's you solution...Muxtape.

I'm going to make one this evening or tomorrow and share with you.

Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger. Indeed.

Enjoy the male version of Daft Punks video...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A little playlist of some songs. The David Ford song has one of my favorite quotes in it.

"Now I don't like using words like forever
But I will love you til the end of today
And in the morning when I remember everything that you are
I know I'll fall for you over again""

UPDATE: Just realized that was the only version of Song for the Road they had and cuts out the verse that I quoted...check him out anyway.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm totally intrigued by this artist NIKOLAY SAVELIEV. He recently made faux cd inserts and slyly put them into independent record stores. They are meant to resemble those old school text books, pairing the ridiculous pop culture world with the academic. Check it out.

Gay Fish?

So during lunch one day I was meandering through the grocery store....apparently "Goldfish" have come up with a fun new little project....Gay Gold Fish. I totally have to stock up on these for pride...

Friday, February 1, 2008

I wanna be a power gay couple.

I want to be a power gay couple. I want to have the means to do more and affect more in the world, while having enough left over to comfortably live and indulge my own interests.

Here is a little article from about a couple who is doing just that.

L.A. Weekly on Obama's Gay Fundraisers

The L.A. Weekly takes a look at Jeremy Bernard and Rufus Gifford, the gay SoCal-based couple who have raised millions of dollars for Barack Obama's campaign:

Bernard_gifford"Once the checks are rolling in, Bernard and Gifford then have the full attention of a congressional or presidential candidate, giving them the chance, behind the scenes, to promote their own political issues. It's a level of access gays once only dreamed of, but they are living it. 'Being gay makes you inherently political,' says Gifford, comfortable with using his proximity to power to influence the candidate. 'You see what's right and what's wrong, and you need to do something about it.' Bernard and Gifford have very little, if anything, in common with the Old Gay approach typified by the Human Rights Campaign's need for straight actresses to peddle an agenda. They are the new guard, or New Gays, who are more politically savvy. The New Gays cultivate, work with and fund gay political candidates. They withhold their talents and money from straight politicians who don't follow through on their promises, while supporting those with what they view as a progay track record. And they never seek the straight world's approval for their own gay existence. The New Gays understand their power in today's political system, and they use it. And in this winter's slog of primaries, they just might use it to propel a candidate toward the White House."

Towleroad's original aritcle

Friday, January 11, 2008

I've been googled.

So I just thought to do map my house in Boston. To my surprise It is a clear picture of my house and my car is parked right there in front.

This is some pretty nifty shiz y'all.